
Initial Gaia Source List (IGSL).

This is the home page of the Initial Gaia Source List (IGSL). This is a compilation catalog constructed to provide a snapshot of the sky for use in the Gaia data processing chain.

Note the most recent issue reports are being compiled in the known problems file.
As a result of this effort two products were produced:

1) The IGSL version 3 delivered in 9/2013 and being used by Gaia.
2) The Attitude Star Catalog delivered in 4/2013 and being used by Gaia.

This web page is the only updated area for these products.

For access to the data, FAQs and recent information on the products see the seperate areas.

The documentation section is an archive of all the documents and presentations made in the course of the development of these products.



The IGSL version 3 description paper is

The initial Gaia source list
Smart, R. L. & Nicastro, L., 2014 A&A 570:87, here

Known problems in the IGSL/ASC products here


DPAC documentation

For the first version of the IGSL: Gaia-C3-TN-OATO-RLS-001

For the delivered version of the IGSL: GAIA-C3-TN-OATO-RLS-004

For the delivered version of the ASC: Gaia-C3-TN-OATO-RLS-007


Various presentations made concerning the IGSL program:

2008 presentation at GBOT meeting 2008 status report for OATo 2009 status for DPAC CU3 meeting 2012 status report for OATo 2013 status report for OATo 2015 presentation "Lessons learned from the IGSL"




The formal DPAC mandate for the IGSL is to fulfill the following broad requirements: all-sky positions, proper motions, and magnitudes for objects to a limit of Gaia magnitude G = 21 where possible, e.g., where there are large (>10 000 square degrees) catalogs that reach that limit.

The proper motions and magnitudes will be provided on a best effort basis, nominally with precisions of 10 mas/yr and 0.3 mag, respectively, but obviously limited by the currently available large catalogs.

The DPAC Core Processing Coordination Unit (CU3) catalogs of the Quasi Stellar Objects and the Ecliptic Pole Catalog should be included with no selection on magnitudes to directly support the CU3 processes that require those resources.

The Hipparcos objects will be included with no selection on magnitudes to aid in the production of the Hundred Thousand Proper Motion catalog

Data access and documentation

The data in cvs format can be downloaded using this script or interactively accessed from vizier (I/324).

The reference paper for this catalog is here

The readme is here

The known problems and FAQ is here




The Attitude Star Catalog (ASC) was commissioned by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) in 2006 to allow a first reconstruction of the attitude of Gaia.

The version delivered to the DPAC in September 2013 was simply a subset of the Initial Gaia Source List (IGSL) with parameter toggleASC=1. Early commissioning usage and examination of the ASC revealed a number of repeat entries for the same object and entries that did not meet the isolation requirements.

Since the reliability of the ASC was fundamental to the Gaia mission a new re-compilation was requested.

The new separate ASC was delivered to DPAC in April 2014.

Data access and documentation

The data in cvs format can be found here or interactively accessed from vizier

The reference paper for this catalog is here

The readme is here

The known problems and FAQ is here




The Initial Gaia Source List version development has stopped at the IGSL3. There was an intention to make a IGSL4 without the known problems of the IGSL3 but the release of Gaia DR1 is imminent so there seems no point.
