Publications Related to the TOPP.

Refereed Publications

Smart, R. L., M. G. Lattanzi, B. Bucciarelli, G. Massone, R. Casalegno, G. Chiumiento, R. Drimmel, L. Lanteri, F. Marocco and A. Spagna:
The Torino Observatory Parallax Program: White dwarf candidates.
Astron. Astrophys., 404:317-323, June 2003. [ http ]

Smart, R. L., B. Bucciarelli, M. G. Lattanzi, G. Massone and G. Chiumiento:
A direct link of the CAMC catalogue to the extragalactic frame.
Astron. Astrophys., 348:653-658, Aug. 1999. [ http ]


Federica Marocco, 1998, Univ. of Torino, A. Ferrari, M. G. Lattanzi and R. L. Smart
"Osservazione, Calibrazione e Stima della Parallasse Trignometrica di Nane Rosse"

Non-Refereed Publications

Smart, R. L., C. A. L. Bailer-Jones and H. R. A. Jones: Parallaxes of L and T dwarfs. In: Kurtz, D. W. (Herausgeber): IAU Colloq. 196: Transits of Venus: New Views of the Solar System and Galaxy, 420-426, April 2005. [ http ]

Smart, R., M. Rapaport, B. Bucciarelli and C. Ducourant: Simulations of Parallax Observations for Maximising Telescope Return. In: Clowes, R., A. Adamson and G. Bromage (Herausgeber): ASP Conf. Ser. 232: The New Era of Wide Field Astronomy, 335-+, 2001. [ http ]

Smart, R. L., M. G. Lattanzi, F. Marocco and G. Massone: The Torino Observatory Parallax Program First Results and the Future. In: Egret, D. and A. Heck (Herausgeber): ASP Conf. Ser. 167: Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-HIPPARCOS Era, 312-315, 1999. [ http ]

Smart, R. L., M. G. Lattanzi and R. Drimmel: Spectroscopic Parallaxes in Determining the Correction of Relative to Absolute Parallax. In: Kontizas, E., M. Kontizas, D. H. Morgan and G. P. Vettolani (Herausgeber): ASSL Vol. 212: Wide-field spectroscopy, 195-+, 1997. [ http ]

Smart, R. L., B. Bucciarelli, R. Casalegno, G. Chiumiento, F. Morale, M. G. Lattanzi, L. Lanteri, G. Massone, R. Morbidelli, F. Porcu and F. Racioppi: Cool stars in TOPP. In: Pallavicini, R. and A. K. Dupree (Herausgeber): ASP Conf. Ser. 109: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, 733-+, 1996. [ http ]





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