During the period from 11/1994 to 7/2001 the astromed CCD was the main instrument for parallax observations at OATo. During this period observations were made on 882 nights of the 2441 available, the other nights were not observed due to weather, technical and staffing problems. The median seeing was 2.1, but as can be seen from this figure many nights were also better than this.
The results from this program are currently being published in homogenous samples, the first publication was on white dwarfs and the total sample included Nearby Star Catalog candidates, Hipparcos Stars, M-Dwarfs, Flare Stars, Cataclysmic Variables and Planetary Nebulea, see the section on publications for an uptodate view.
The below comparison with Hipparcos results show that the TOPP results are very reliable.
