WP0 Management and Meetings: The management of this project is split between the four partners who have fixed monthly conference calls the minutes of which can be found at http://ipercool.oato.inaf.it/publications_work_doc.php. In addition we have held two IPERCOOL meetings where all team members were invited to join. The first was a 2-day kick off meeting held at UH the time table and presentations of which can be found at http://ipercool.oato.inaf.it/publications_presentations.php. The second was a half day splinter at the
Beijing IAU where the 10 attending team members, including the 4 coordinators, presented their
results todate and included in the IPERCOOL presentations page. In addition the coordinators make
regular trips to the other hosts as part of other ongoing collaborations.
1 Parallax, Proper Motion and Photometric Pipeline development Parallax Pipelines
At OATo there has been significant progress on the development of the
theoretical framework for the determination of parallaxes. In particular Andrei, Bucciarelli and Smart
have tested different adjustment procedures which is described in two conference proceedings
(Bucciarelli et al 2012 in press, Andrei et al 2013 submitted). Currently the exchange of Wang from
SHAO to OATo is focusing on comparison of these procedures and programs to those used in the
Carnegie Astrometric Planet Search kindly provided by Guillem Anglada Escudé.
Proper Motion Pipelines: In SHAO and OATo the procedures being used by ZhaoXiang and Yu for the production of the Absolute Proper Motions outside of the Plane catalog are being analyzed and
this will be the focus of the exchange of ZhaoXiang to OATo in December. At ON the work by
Smith on the proper motions from the UKIDSS database (Smith et al., in prep) was closely followed
by Andrei and collaborators as well as OATo. This project will be an important part of the doctoral
thesis of Smith.
Photometric pipelines: The OATo and UH groups have developed and exploited a sophisticated pipeline for the determination of methane colors for late T dwarf candidates using observations from a Very Large Program on the Telescopio Nazionale Galieo. The photometric selection procedures (Cardoso et al in prep.) allows us to make very productive use of our 4-8m spectroscopic followup time. The results are being used in work package 12 for a determinatin of the sub-stellar IMF (Burningham et al MNRAS submitted). The OATo and ON groups have also successfully applied for
SOAR telescope time to photometrically calibrate the NPARSEC T dwarfs in a standard system, thisprogram has just recently produced observations and will tbe reduced by one of the collaboration
2 Spectroscopic procedures and pipelines
The spectroscopic procedures that have over the years been developed by the UH node have been further refined. They have been used in various discoveries of new interesting T dwarfs (Pinfield at al
submitted), SOAR followup of objects in the PARSEC parallax program (Marocco et al. 2012
submitted), the development of a XSHOOTER based program to study a sample of L/T boundary
objects (Day-Jones et al., MRAS, submitted and Marocco et al., in prep) and followup of a
NPARSEC binary system (Gelino et al in preparation). Also as part of the exchange of Wang from SHAO -> UH the LT objects were compared to standard systems ( Wang et al, IAU Symp 289, in press).
WP 3 Development for Database management and WWW access to observations and results
The database is being developed as planned. We have settled on a mysql based system with www and direct interfaces and novel accessing procedures developed by Nicastro/Lei. This database
includes all the major catalogs of interest today cross matched and internal unpublished IPERCOOL
observations. A document describing it and a number of use cases is in preparation.
WP 4 Signals and solutions of Binary systems
The search for binary systems to provide benchmarks is one of the major goals of the IPERCOOL program and is the driving force behind the development of new proper motion catalogs. During the exchange of Burningham and Smith from UH to ON a number of new binary candidates were found in the UKIDSS proper motion and other catalogs and the results are currently being finalized for publication. The XSHOOTER program and NPARSEC program are also turning up a few new
unresolved systems. The solutions of binary systems when we have sufficient astrometric
observations is awaiting the exchange of Sozzetti to ON and subsequent counter-exchange of
Nogueira to OATo which are both planned for late 2013.
WP 5 Common proper motion and peculiar objects
Common proper motions apart from helping identify binaries also indicate objects that are members
of nearby moving groups. These can also serve as very useful bench marks for constraining the physical properties of our targets. This forms the basis for many discoveries of binaries to main sequence stars (Zhang et al 2010MNRAS.404.1817Z), and are currently being used to look for CPMs in the HIPPARCOS and other published catalog to a WISE/2MASS proper motion sample as part of the Zhang SHAO -> OATo exchange.
WP 6 Photometric Identification of peculiar objects
Photometric identification has been historically the main stay for brown dwarf identification and the gradual arrival of deeper UKIDSS data is proving no exception. Members of the collaboration have discovered new L subdwarf and extreme sub dwarfs (Zhang et al 2011ASPC..448.1411Z), photometric identification in the UKIDSS survey provides the base pool for the TNG followup that is being exploited by Burningham in the ON visit, finally looking at W2 band only objects in the WISE
survey is turning up late T and Y dwarf candidates that were missed by the WISE team (Pinfield et al
WP 7 Parameters: Parallaxes, magnitudes and proper motions
The publication and sharing of fundamental data is the crux of the IPERCOOL project. This has begun with the internal distribution of parallaxes from the various programs (UKIRT, NTT, LT) and the proper motion catalogs being produced (APOP, UKIDSS PMs) and soon the observations from the TNG very large program will be made available. In terms of publications the parallaxes from the telescopes LT, UKIRT and the NTT are all contributing to publications in preparation.
WP 8 Parameters: Spectroscopy
The UH node is very active in the publication of the spectra from the 8m and 4m programs (Burningham et al 2010MNRAS.406.1885B). As more extreme candidates become available or the current long term programs finish the number of publications will increase.
WP 9-12 For the work packages on the interpretation and catalog production work the main progress is destined for the last year. Work has however begun paticularly with the visit of Burningham to ON to
work on a new determination of the sub-stellar IMF. Also in the visit of Jones to SHAO the
exchanges for the summer of 2013 were planned which will be focused on the application of our
observations to studies of our galaxy. |