The 1.05m REOSC telescope has been the main telescope for scientific research at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino since 1974. It is situated on the highest point of the main site of the observatory but easily accessible.

Overall responsabilty for the telescope is with Giuseppe Massone, maintenance Francesco Porcu, scheduling Richard Smart.

Please follow the respective links in the menu for information on the instrumentation and observational programs.

A 300s I band image of M101 taken
with the astromed CCD


Since 1994 the OTAP has been used primarily for imaging with CCD cameras, while in the past it was used for polarimetric and photographic observations. Since 2003 the telescope has been in a phase of robotization currently being commissioned.

Number of nights observed per year with different periods of improvements shown


The median seeing for the OATo site is 2.1 but there are also many nights with better seeing.




Distribution of the seeing per night
for the period


The weather at the OATo site from meteofrance or meteo.it
web solution: EFFETTI - comunicazione multimediale
INAF - OATO Strada Osservatorio 20 - 10022 Pino Torinese (TO) - Long.: Oh31m05s E - Lat.: 45°02'16" N - quota: 622 m